'Teen Mom' Drama: Jenelle Evans' Estranged Husband Courtland Rogers Arrested -- For Harassing Her Sister!
Sept. 16 2013, Published 3:04 p.m. ET
Trouble always seems to follow the men in Jenelle Evans’ life because RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned that her estranged husband, Courtland Rogers, was arrested this morning for charges that were filed by her own sister.
The Teen Mom star has been living apart from Courtland since their April arrest for possession of heroin but he found himself back in the same jail on Monday where he spent a few months this past summer.
Courtland was arrested in Brunswick County, North Carolina after Jenelle’s sister Ashleigh Evans Wilson filed charges against him for several “harassing” phone calls on September 11, 2013 RadarOnline.com confirmed.
According to the arrest warrant, Courtland “unlawfully and willfully did telephone Ashleigh Wilson repeatedly for the purpose of annoying and harassing Ashleigh Wilson at the called number.”
Courtland turned himself into the jail on Monday morning and was released after posting a $1000 bail.
A source close to the case told RadarOnline.com that Courtland will fight the charges and that he has said “I’ve never called Ashleigh in my life.”
Jenelle’s current boyfriend Nathan Griffith was arrested on September 7, 2013 for DUI after a night out drinking with his girlfriend.