Come On, Get Happy! Partridge Family Mom Shirley Jones Reveals X-Rated Details In Autobiography

July 22 2013, Published 2:06 p.m. ET
Well no wonder she was singing, “Come on, get happy!”
Partidge Family mom Shirley Jones reveals many, many explicit sexual details in her new autobiography, Shirley Jones: A Memoir.
Why it’s enough to make Danny, Keith, Laurie and even Reuben Kincaid blush.
Shirley, 79, appears to hold nothing back, writing about a threesome she had with husband Jack Cassidy. She’s no prude, as the book proves, but the threesome gets a retroactive “yuck” from Jones, according to the Huffington Post.
However, other sexual details are brazenly told and embraced. She isn’t shy about discussing Jack’s impressive manhood. And she relates in clear detail that she was highly sexed.
And while she discusses their sex life in great detail, Jones also reveals Cassidy was repeatedly unfaithful and also once had a sexual encounter with Cole Porter.
As far as the Partridge Family, it was just a job that enabled her to stay in Los Angeles working and come home to her kids at night.