O.J. Simpson Ex Girlfriend Claims He Threatened, ‘Something Bad Will Happen To You Like Nicole’

May 21 2013, Published 4:48 p.m. ET
He reemerged into public much heavier, noticeably older and still after all these years a curiosity. And in the wake of O.J. Simpson’s appearance, now the characters from his past are returning.
Enter Christie Prody, the blonde, vaguely Nicole Brown-like figure who was O.J.’s long-time girlfriend during the years after his acquittal for the murders of his ex wife and Ron Goldman in 1994.
Prody, ever the hanger-on with her own problems, now comes forward in a new interview and claims that O.J. threatened her, alluding to the infamous murders.
“He would say things to me like, ‘You better watch out so something bad doesn’t happen to you like Nicole,’” she tells Inside Edition in an interview airing Tuesday.
“I was young and so he could try to shape me, mold me, into what he wanted.”
Prody, 38, claims that O.J. told her to dye her hair blonde like Nicole’s. (Her hair is now back to brunette.) She was 21 when she first met the now imprisoned former NFL star and he was 46.
“It was very hard to deal with that every day, comparing me to Nicole,” she says, according to the New York Post. She added that Simpson would say, “Nicole did this, Nicole did that. You should do this, that’s what she did.”
They spent 12 years together and neither was adverse to the party lifestyle, a source told Radar.
“She had her problems that’s for sure. Some were made public and some weren’t,” one source familiar with the situation told Radar. “She liked the fame and O.J. had money. There was a lot of partying going on.”
Simpson was seen in public last week for the first time in years as he was granted a hearing in a bid to overturn the conviction that landed him in a Nevada prison after his 2008 arrest for robbery. He claims his lawyer botched the case.
Prody, who hasn’t seen him in five years, says she was shocked at how much weight O.J. has gained
“I had to take a double take,” she tells Inside Edition. “I can’t believe he’s gotten a lot bigger and very grey since I last saw him.

“Image was the most important thing to him. Being good looking was important to him. And even more so, the girl on his arm had to be good looking.”
She still sees the old O.J. though.
“O.J. is very charming,” she says in the interview. “He’s very charming and he tells you what you want to hear. He’s very believable.”
Perhaps to some people.
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