John Edwards Expected To Face Charges For Affair Cover-Up

June 3 2011, Published 7:10 a.m. ET
UPDATE: ABC News is reporting that Edwards has now been indicted.
Two-time Presidential candidate John Edwards will face a judge in Raleigh, North Carolina courtroom on Friday, to hear the charges against him in connection with accusations he used hundreds of thousands of dollars in unreported political funds to hide his affair with videographer Rielle Hunter three years ago.
Prominent Washington lawyer Greg Craig -- who acted as President Barack Obama's first White House counsel -- was headed to North Carolina to possibly negotiate a deal with prosecutors linked to the criminal charges expected against the embattled politician.
Edwards' lawyers claim their client did not violate the law, as the donations prosecutors say he funneled inappropriately were gifts from friends, not political contributions that should have been reported.
Democratic consultant Jack Quinn told that AP that whatever happens, the charges likely signify the end of the road for a one-time political powerhouse.
"John Edwards is the Charlie Sheen of American politics," Quinn said. "Great hair and no chance for rehabilitation."
Don't forget, it was the National Enquirer, headed by David Perel, who exposed the politician's shenanigans to the shock of the world.
In January 2010, Edward finally admitted publicly that he'd fathered the baby girl, Frances Quinn Hunter, out-of-wedlock with his former mistress Hunter.
Shortly after his admission, John and his late wife Elizabeth legally separated. She died last December, after a brave and valiant 6-year battle against breast cancer.
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