EXCLUSIVE BLOG: Former 'Bachelorette' Winner Jesse Csincsak Dishes On 'Bachelor' Brad's Return

Jan. 4 2011, Published 12:01 p.m. ET
Jesse Csincsak -- the free wheelin', free spirited professional snowboarder who won the fourth season of The Bachelorette -- is exclusively blogging for RadarOnline.com about the 15th season of The Bachelor, which premiered Monday night on ABC.
PHOTO: Jesse Csincsak and Ann Lueders Expecting
The new season of The Bachelor features Texas cad Brad Womack, who famously dumped both women at the final rose ceremony during the show's 11th season four years ago.
VIDEO: 'Bachelor' Brad Womack Apologizes To Jilted Bachelorettes In Season 15 Premiere
One of those women was DeAnna Pappas who later went on to star in The Bachelorette -- and picked Jesse!
The two never made it to the altar together, but fortunately, both found love elsewhere.
Here's Jesse's first exclusive blog for RadarOnline.com to recap Monday night's premiere episode.
OK, so as all of you know Brad is back for the 2nd time and why not bring him back?
Because he didn't pick someone the first time?
I didn't find true forever love the first time my 2nd or my 3rd ... FEW PEOPLE DO, and just because his was on TV he's held to a different standard ... really?
Everyone seems bummed he's getting a second chance ... there isn't anyone reading this that hasn't went out on about 10 dates with someone and then didn't know if they were ready to marry them or not.
Almost nobody would know after that short of a time ... give me a break! Brad did nothing wrong on Bachelor 11.
He knew he couldn't spend the rest of his life with either of those girls so he didn't propose ... Brad, from ME & all the guys in America: GOOD FOR YOU.
You did the right thing: Don't let these girls make you feel any different.
What were you supposed to do, pick one of them and then break up with hem months later? I DON'T THINK SO ... You stuck with how you felt and didn't let anyone make you do anything you didn't want to do...
OK, now onto the girls!
Chantel O: Who do you think you are? You don't hit people that's assault! Do you think people should treat you the way you treat them? I do! I am sure I could find someone who judged you on the show who wouldn't mind KNOCKING YOUR A** OUT! You watched Brad on his first season and because of what you saw on a TV SHOW, you judge him and haul off and hit him? IT’S A TV SHOW! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE BREAST IMPLANTS CHANTEL ... Brad is actually a nice guy and because of your actions, you might screw up what you could have had with A REALLY NICE GUY! Yeah, so he pretended to be ok with getting hit, even complimenting you, but what was he supposed to do -- he's on national television with 15 million people watching. He had to do the only honorable thing and TAKE IT LIKE A MAN ... if I were you, I would start treating people the way you want to be treated and in the mean time keep your hands to yourself! I don’t really care what rich guy you’re an assistant of!
Britnee: Loved the hand out the window of the limo; very creative and I don't think it has ever been done!
Rachel: Loved Brad’s face when you waxed his wrist! And I agree, Brad, what dudes get their under carriages waxed?
Emily: The single mom whose husband passed away in the plane crash ... I think is very sweet and genuine and seems like a great girl for Brad!
Madison: I love that Brad called you out on your reasons for being there ... You gotta lose the fangs honey, if they are fake, which I think they are -- take them out and if not there is a DENTIST in the house GET THEM FILLED.
Michelle, the hair stylist: Love that you are the only girl to tell Brad you respected his prior decisions. Our decisions are simply our opinions who are we to judge Brad’s past decisions?
If the girls don't get over Brad and his prior decisions on this season I am gonna VOMIT! HE IS A HUMAN BEING, HE’S NOT PERFECT !!
Mike Fleiss & Martin Hilton: Nice work on getting Seal to sing this years music! IT’S A NICE CHANGE!
And does Brad, remember all 20 names of the girls he's keeping in a row? OF COURSE, NOT HE'S HUMAN. They stop filming after he calls out three names, he walks out of the room and gets the next three names until all 20 names are called out. I mean, come on, he has only known them for nine hours. Yes, the first night takes nine hours to film ... they start filming around 8 p.m. Just after dark and don't stop till almost sunrise around 5 a.m.

Girls who got roses on night one:
Ashley 1st Impression
Michelle 2nd
Kimberly 3rd
Madison 4th
Emily 5th
Rachel 6th
Kelty 7th
Ashley H 8th
Megan 9th
Lisa M 10th
Lindsey 11th
Allie 12th
Sarah P 13th
Marissa 14th
Britt 15th
Stacy 16th
Chantel N 17th The Non-Abusive Girl
Jackie 18th
Melissa 19th
Chantel O 20th The Abusive Girl
I am pumped to see this season of The Bachelor, it looks like they travel the globe and from the looks of the previews he keeps a few good ones. Tune in next week to see my blog with all the behind-the-scenes details -- same place, same time.
The new season of The Bachelor featuring Brad Womack airs Monday nights on ABC.