VIDEO: Matt Lauer's Dog Day Afternoon
Nov. 6 2009, Published 10:22 a.m. ET
A video showing a bank robbery suspect drew big laughs on Friday's edition of The Today Show, as the perpetrator bore an uncanny resemblance to the show's anchor, Matt Lauer.
"I've got three kids to feed," Lauer joked of his starling resemblance to the bank robber.
"And the getaway car was driven by a Katie Couric look-a-like," chimed in weatherman Al Roker.
"They say everybody has a twin," Meredith Viera joked. Lauer then quipped "mine is an evil twin, to which Roker replied, "That's the good twin."
VIDEO: Al Roker - I Would Have Dumped Spencer "Like A Bag Of Dirt"
"No, that's the good twin," Roker joked.
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