EXCLUSIVE: Jaycee Dugard's New Life: No TV, Radio Or Newspapers Allowed
Sept. 23 2009, Published 2:47 p.m. ET
After 18 years in captivity Jaycee Dugard's return to civilization is not what you might expect.
She's not allowed to watch TV, read newspapers or listen to the radio, her stepfather Carl Probyn says in an interview.
Click here to see exclusive photos from inside the house of Jaycee's kidnappers
After all those years in isolation while being held by Phillip and Nancy Garrido, Jaycee is being heavily debriefed by the law enforcement authorities. Her exposure to the outside world is severely limited as cops make sure her memory is not tainted by press reports.
Click here to see photos of the backyard prison where Jaycee was held.
Jaycee and her daughters Angel and Starlit have a lot of adjusting to do and Probyn said: "They are going a little stir crazy. We don't know how much longer they have to stay in hiding but we will do it the right way for however long it takes because we have to make sure they are brought along slowly so they can deal with all of this in a healthy way.
"They're doing as well as can be expected."
Click here to read report about Jaycee's biological father suddenly hiring attorney Gloria Allred.
Jaycee was kidnapped at age 11. Garrido is the father of her two daughters.
Now that she's been reunited with her mother and other relatives, Jaycee and her daughters are hoping to get back the pets Garrido allowed them to have - two dogs, five cats, a pigeon, a mouse, three cockatiels and a parakeet. The parakeet is in foster care.
The others also may go to foster care before Jaycee is ready to take them back.
"Jaycee and the girls are very attached to their pets and are very concerned about them and they do want them back," Lt. Nancy Anderson of the Contra Costa County Animal Services Department told RadarOnline.com. "The liaison has been in contact with Jaycee and our department and has been asking for updates on the animals."