Court Papers Say Anna Nicole Smith’s Doctor Lied To Investigators About Medical Files
Sept. 22 2009, Published 8:01 a.m. ET
According to just released court papers tragic star Anna Nicole Smith’s doctor Sandeep Kapoor lied to investigators after they raided his Los Angeles home – by hiding her medical files below some shirts in his bedroom closet.
During a raid on his home on October 12, 2007, Dr Kapoor told Medical Board Investigator Jon Genens that he had no medical papers in his house and that they were being held at his attorney’s office.
Click here to read how Dr. Kapoor could of harmed Anna Nicole’s unborn baby
But during the raid the investigators discovered some important papers about his famous patient whom he is charged with illegally prescribing medication to.
In court papers filed against Dr Kapoor Genens reveals: “Carmen Aguilera Marquez, Supervising Medical Board Investigator, found a file secreted on the floor of Dr Kapoor’s closet between some folded shirts.
“Inspector Marquez opened the file and saw the name Michelle Chase on a document which looked like a medical record – she closed the file because she believed the file may have contained medical records.
Click here to read allegations about Anna Nicole Smith’s doctors having sex with the model
“Michelle Chase is an alias used by Anna Nicole Smith and the records were seized and sealed.
“When confronted Dr Sandeep Kapoor told me he had forgotten that he had that file of medical records, which we found secreted in the closet.
“Dr Kapoor told me that his attorney Ellyn Garofalo, told him to remove paperwork from the Anna Nicole Smith medical records and the paperwork we found in the closet, was the paperwork which his attorney had told him to remove.”
Click here to see pics of one of Anna Nicole’s doctor’s snorting white powder
The papers also reveal that pharmacist Ira Freeman from the Key Pharmacy in Valley Village, California, confirmed that Smith was a patient under the care of Dr Kapoor and that Howard K Stern and her assistant Kim Walther regularly picked-up controlled substances and other prescription drugs for Anna Nicole Smith.

Psychiatrist Khristine Eroshevich and attorney Howard K. Stern have been charged with illegally providing Smith with prescribed drugs along with Dr Kapoor.