O.J. Simpson Wants Freedom While Lawyers Work On Appeal
Aug. 3 2009, Published 1:00 p.m. ET
A lot has changed since the summer of 1994, but one thing remains constant 15 years later: O.J. Simpson is trying to get out of jail.
A three-justice panel Monday will listen to Simpson's attorneys, who will try and get the ex-NFL star released from custody on bail while they work on his appeal.
The 62-year-old received a 33-year sentence in December 2008 after a jury found him guilty of robbery, kidnapping and weapons charges, stemming from a 2007 showdown with a pair of memorabilia dealers in a Las Vegas motel room.
His attorney, Malcolm LaVergn, said Simpson is coping with his imprisonment as well as can be expected.
“He’s in good spirits,” he said. “He’s waiting to see what happens at this hearing. We may be actually hearing the appeal by the end of the year. I hope so -- the sooner the better.”