TV Wednesday
June 3 2009, Published 5:18 a.m. ET
Ok, can I just start off by saying the only thing I hate more than I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!, is myself, because I can’t stop watching these annoying people! And by annoying people, I mean Speidi. I mean come on! 20 minutes into the show Heidi and Spencer tell the group they want to leave because it’s too hard, and when the very sweet Lou Diamond Phillips tries to encourage them to stay by reminding them the good it will do for their charities, Spencer says they chose the two biggest charities in the world so that if they didn’t win it wouldn’t matter! But wait, there's more! Then Heidi and Spencer go off and find… a phone (in the freakin jungle!) to call and whine to NBC Universal Chairman Ben Silverman. I believe I actually threw up in my mouth a little when Spence informs him, “I’m too rich, and I’m too famous to be sitting with these people and cleaning up their sh*t in the jungle. This cast is devaluing our fame, man!” Yeah. He actually said that. But I must say it was a pleasure to watch the food challenge where Heidi had to eat a rat’s tail, and Spencer had to eat a live stick insect. Mmm! Maybe if we’re lucky this jungle will also be home to a couple of hungry little cannibals just dying for a Speidi burger!
National Geographic airs, The Real Bonnie and Clyde which chronicles the epic crime spree of Clyde Barrrow and Bonnie Parker. The real life events that spanned 11 states, included armed robbery, car theft, abduction and murder, spawned a movie starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway… and a remake coming up with Hilary Duff. The odd casting of Duff even sparked a bit of a cat fight between the two Bonnies. After Faye Dunaway responded to the question about how she felt having Hilary reprise her Oscar nominated role by saying, "Couldn't they have at least cast a real actress?" Duff retaliated by saying, "I think that my fans that are going to go see the movie don't even know who she is, so you know.... I think it was a little unnecessary but I might be mad if I looked like that now too." Yeah, I gotta go with Faye on this one!
And the MonsterQuest team goes on a crazy search in Papau New Guinea to investigate reports of a creature with a 20-foot wing span! Some suggest the creature may just be a new bat species… but it sounds like a monster to me!
Wednesday Night Hot List
So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)
The Real Bonnie and Clyde (NGC)
The Goode Family (ABC)
Dog the Bounty Hunter (A&E)
MonsterQuest (HIST)
Tattoo Highway (A&E)
Make Me a Supermodel (BRAVO) season finale
The Cougar (TV LAND) season finale
Law & Order (NBC) season finale
(Photo: Taylor Golden/NBC)