EXCLUSIVE: Hospitalized Octo-Mom: "I Can't Trust My Mother"
May 15 2009, Published 6:34 a.m. ET
Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman is furious with her mother Angela for speaking with a magazine about complications following her surgery to remove benign muscular tumors on the wall of her uterus.
In an exclusive statement to RadarOnline.com, Nadya said: "I'm completely shocked that my mother would openly discuss something so personal to the media, such as me hemorrhaging. It's the epitome of disrespect and for all she knew, I could have gone into shock and died. Why would she disclose something so personal? You're supposed to be able to trust family, apparently I can't. I can't trust my mother."
Suleman had the procedure done earlier this week, but remains in the hospital after she suffered internal bleeding.
"Nadya is scared," her attorney earlier told RadarOnline.com.
(Photo: Splash News)