Bark Smart
May 20 2009, Published 7:33 a.m. ET
I think my pups are laughing at me. Smart Home sent me their new Bark Smart to try out, which works by sending out an ultrasonic signal that only dogs can hear when activated by the barking. Supposedly, dogs learn that their barking causes this irritating sound and stop barking to stop the noise. A deluxe version of the Bark Smart is also available. This upgraded device has twin speakers with a wider range as well as a timer control option that lets you set the time when the Bark Smart Deluxe is active each day. Uh-huh.
If you're gulible, choose from two modes: audible and ultrasonic. Both modes signal your dog ultrasonically, but the audible mode also emits a tone that you can hear, which will drive you totally crazy while your daschunds enjoy a chuckle. An LED also shows when the Bark Smart is active.
I cranked this baby up to "High" microphone sensitivity. Henry tested it by barking at a squirrel, who was trying to break into our house, according to my doxie. The LED light flashed, indicating the unit was working. Maggie yawned. Then she ate it.