EXCLUSIVE: Jon Gosselin's Ex Girlfriend Blogs For Radar: 'I'm Exposing All Of His Lies'

Sept. 3 2010, Published 10:30 a.m. ET
Jon Gosselin’s ex-girlfriend Hailey Glassman recently revealed that Jon tried to get more money out of Kate during their divorce by threatening to call child protective services and lodge a complaint against her. That RadarOnline.com exclusive was backed up by Jon’s hand-written notes.
Now Hailey reveals new details about her relationship with Jon and the personal price she paid for it, in this blog written exclusively for RadarOnline.com. We have left her writing unedited to accurately portray what she wants to express. Here is Hailey’s blog:
I first want to address the Jon giving Kate ultimatums/extortion situation. He can deny it and lie, like he does with everything else but the only problem is this time is there is actual proof --his own hand-written notes!
I know, he’s a moron for being such a manipulating con artist. Let’s not forget, this is the man that went on CBS Entertainment Tonight and The Insider claiming “Kate is lying and I didn’t take any money from the account” when in fact we all found out in the end that it was a LIE, with evidence of a bank trail!
There is not one cent of credibility with him. I know what you’re all thinking, “Well Hailey isn’t any better, I hate her,” which is weird due to the fact that I have not lied about anything once. In fact my problem is that I’m too honest sometimes. Try and think of one time I lied about something in the media. ….still trying to think of something?
Jon pulled a publicity stunt with “our” apartment, (we split rent) claiming, “Hailey ransacked my apartment”. The NYPD ruled it was a publicity stunt by Jon. (Editor’s note: The NYPD did not issue a “ruling” but did not press charges against anyone.) That’s how he works. He was mad when I told him I couldn’t take it anymore and I was leaving.
He then asked me to sign a “Non-disclosure” agreement in December and said, “I’ll ruin you if you don’t.” Another threat… numerous threats made to me by him. He has made them not only to me but to his ex-wife as well. There’s proof of it all. You just say I learned a lot through all of this.
Well long story short I obviously didn’t sign it! Next thing I know I have the NYPD calling me. Anyway thank you NYPD for doing a long investigation and realizing once again it was another one of Jon Gosselin’s plans, due to him not getting his way. (Editor’s note: NYPD did not publicly blame Jon.) Hope he found that thousand-year-old family heirloom he claimed was smashed to the insurance company. Um guys, there was nothing like that in that apartment. Another LIE.
Boy oh boy I think that definitely added to the stress lines on my forehead. Lol.
I know there is a lot of hate towards me, which is understandable due to how the media and tabloids made me look. They really did do a doozey on me, that’s for sure!
For the record once again I had nothing to do with Jon and Kate’s breakup. Everyone seems to forget the girl before me, and seems to forget that my family allowed Jon to stay in their home when he claimed he had nowhere to live due to being separated.
Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions, but don’t you think if I said anything, especially something like this, I would be sued if it weren’t true? Think about that. I know this is asking a lot of you (the public) but use your common sense already! STOP THE SHANNINAG THINKING! (sic)
I also want to add that there is a lot of hate towards Kate about her as a mother. I want to set the record straight by saying Kate is a great mother. She is a semi-single parent, which is truly hard with eight kids! Like I have said numerous times before, she gives those children structure and surrounds them in a stable, grounded environment, which is a necessity when growing up. She works extremely hard to support those kids and the lives they are accustomed to living.
The situation with Mady and her arm is she hurt it playing outside or something and Jon looked at that as the perfect opportunity to try and frame/extort Kate to get money. EVIL soulless human being! I feared him, to be honest.
All I have to say is you have no idea what went on behind the scenes!
I kept it all private.
You would all be SHOCKED. I figured I’d save this torture I went through and life lessons and all the real juicy crazy stuff the media did not get a hold of for a BOOK. It will make everything make more sense -- time lines, evidence of time lines. Just the whole nightmare of this annoying, traumatic, hurtful Soap Opera, which encumbers so many lives around us with the media and public hating and talking so much smack that it made “nobodies” into” notorious”.
VIDEO INTERVIEW: Jon & Hailey Address Rumors
SUE ME if there’s not one true thing in the book it will be all 110% TRUE. I have kept all evidence and people, you would be SHOCKED!
What The Media Made Me, Hailey Glassman, A Regular Person:
A regular and “normal” 22 year old college girl enjoying her college years with good friends and always a good person, into this villain, a worldwide/household name overnight!
Dragged my name through the MUD (with false statements). The tabloids coming to my college at the time, Indiana University, and going around offering up cash money to anyone who can give them a “juicy” story on “Hailey Glassman”.
FIRST PHOTOS Of Jon & Hailey Kissing
No fact checking at all. They couldn’t even fact check the easiest thing and get my age right. (Dumb asses)
Printed anything and everything, not caring if it was true or false.
Not knowing how any of the media worked back then I just hid and secluded myself from everyone and everything because I didn’t know who to trust of where to turn to but my family and, I thought, Jon. Didn’t know the side stuff he was doing to me (and the “real him” at the time) because I literally secluded myself. Lol It’s not funny but I try to always be positive and just makes me feel better I guess to laugh at things that hurt me. If that makes sense?
I’m just being brutally honest with all of you. I’m sharing my bare feelings with you all. This could of happened to anyone of you, your daughter, your cousin, your mom, your aunt, and your niece and I bet you’re sitting there thinking, ‘No, No, not me,’ but remember I stepped into this sh*t from him being a family friend and he then gets separated and calls my parents to tell them he has “nowhere to live”, plays victim, ”can I come." They were kind enough to let him. We didn’t expect him to be how he truly is. We were ALL bamboozled guys (public). Let’s just leave it at that.

Look if you don’t like me fine, but you don’t know me. So what you saw ,college photos and took that reputation, ran with it and made me look like I ruined someone’s marriage. FALSE.
I think we all as a whole, the world, we are losing the fact of what “real news is.” I know you’re probably shocked I’m saying this. You all truly, none of you know me. U know of the cubby I have been cornered into and the image I was branded with. I know people make so much money on this tabloid crap magazines/websites etc, and everyone loves someone else’s misfortune, which is called Schadenfreude. If you don’t know what that means, it is a German word for the happiness of the misfortune of others. You can’t understand how one feels unless they have been through the ugly side of the media. I know it sounds like “whatever” but its true. The media the stress is a lot to deal with…
P.S. Not as dumb as you thought people…
Oh and yes p.s.s def check into Jon and whatever sh*t he is pulling on her now. Kate truly does stay quiet as much as I bet she wants to rip his head off and shove dog sh*t in his little grin of a smile….lol
This is the first time I ever wrote from my heart to the public just being real and getting the chance to speak to you all from my words, not a manger not some Telephone type of game.