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EXCLUSIVE: Octo-Mom Visited by Child Services and Detectives

April 29 2009, Published 8:35 a.m. ET

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After a forty-five minute visit, the social services agency left Suleman's home "impressed by how organized everything was" according to the mother of fourteen. Suleman admitted to that the visit was her fault after she missed a note from her son's teacher asking about mysterious bite marks on his back. Asked if they would be returning again for further investigation, Suleman quickly said, "No!"

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Preparing to pick up her older kids from school on Wednesday afternoon Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman was paid a surprise visit by the Orange County Social Services Agency-Children and Family Services and two La Habra detectives. Sitting in Suleman’s living room the officials had to put a hold on their inquiries, promising to return when Suleman came home from the errand.

Suleman told that she suspects a teacher of her son Aiden placed a complaint after he came to school with a black eye. She downplayed the injury explaining “he’s autistic, he bumps into things.” She also mentioned that he had bite marks and her other children bite sometimes (Suleman recently revealed that she would often bite as a child).

Of the two detectives, one came from the general investigations unit while the other was a corporal (who refused to comment) from the homicide/sex crimes/child abuse unit.

“Always our goal is for families to stay together,” Terry Lynn Fisher, spokesperson for the agency. “Because of issues of confidentiality, state law precludes us from confirming or denying.” But Fisher did confirm that for the agency to make a home visit, a call must have been made regarding a possible abuse or neglect claim, but what does Nadya herself think? (Photo: Splash News)

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