Matt Lauer
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Scandals VIDEO: Matt Lauer's Dog Day Afternoon
A video showing a bank robbery suspect drew big laughs on Friday's edition of The Today Show, as the perpetrator bore an uncanny resemblance to the show'sScandals Pink Slams Kanye - Again!
After taking to Twitter Sunday to rage against Kanye West calling him "the biggest piece of s**t on Earth" Pink carried on her tirade on the Today Show MondayTRUE CRIME VIDEO: Ryan Jenkins' Ex-Fiance- It's Not Something I'd Picture Him Doing
A woman who was once engaged to accused killer Ryan Jenkins, spoke out exclusively with Matt Lauer on The Today Show Thursday morning. Actress and modelScandals VIDEO: Singing Sensation Danyl Johnson On His Overnight Fame -- "It's Pretty Mental!"
Move over Susan Boyle – there’s a new YouTube sensation coming out of British television. In just the past few days, more than a million people have logged ontoScandals VIDEO: Richard Hatch - Surviving Tax Evasion
Survivor winner Richard Hatch may have been one million dollars richer after winning the first network reality series, but the man best rememberedfor runningScandals VIDEO: Jermaine Jackson: “I Wish It Was Me”
Michael Jackson's grieving brother Jermaine told The Today Show Thursday his brother's death hit him emotionally the minute he saw the media frenzy buzzingScandals Oh Deer! Lauer Talks About Bike Accident to
Matt Lauer has just made his first public comment on his weekend bicycle accident that caused him to separate a shoulder when a deer jumped in his path. The