Kate Major
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REALITY TV EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Jon Gosselin Dating Reporter With Murky Past
Jon Gosselin sure is having fun now that he's decided hanging out with Kate & eight kids is not enough stimulation. After taking his romance with HaileyREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Hailey Glassman Heartbroken Over Jon Gosselin’s Romance With Reporter
Hailey Glassman is a “heartbroken mess” over her relationship with Jon Gosselin, a source familiar with the situation says. Jon has spent the past several daysREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Michael Lohan Says Jon Gosselin And Reporter Slept At His House
Michael Lohan had dinner with Jon Gosselin and former Star magazine reporter Kate Major on Wednesday night and told RadarOnline.com that they stayed at hisREALITY TV EXCLUSIVE: Jon Gosselin Says Reporter Lied; Kate Major Resigns
Jon Gosselin says he never had a romantic relationship with Star magazine reporter Kate Major and was tricked by her, sources close to the situation told